Accelerate your business by
providing a superior B2B experience

Enhance the B2B cash flow and get new customers to whom
advance and cash payments are not possible

Automate the accounting

Get rid of boring and timeconsuming accounting
tasks with automated invoicing for legal entities

Smarter B2B debtor management
and payment control

Take control of payments due dates and manage debtors
with our payment automation tools

Monitor your installment payments
schedule in real time

We control the timeliness of payments according to the
installment plan by managing access to the service online

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“We at NATEC create simple IT solutions that are easier and cheaper to be deployed, integrated & upgraded to help companies transform their business agility, double OpEx efficiency, and speed up the sales development life cycle by half.
Request a demo to find out more about platform’s architecture and functionality, and how our solutions can be applied to solving your issues.”

Grigory Ostapenko

Business Development Manager

Acknowledged by global leaders

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Serhii Polovnikov, ​Director of Engineering

“Real art is not a wild fantasy flight and not some random creativity flows from outer space. Inspiration is based on logic and business models, management frames, and financial requirements, along with technological development. Consumerism has led to the emergence of minimalism, the fifth industrial revolution will change our world so much that it will be difficult to distinguish, where robots work and where people do. And if to learn seeing such interconnections, orient the mind towards critical thinking and digital transformation, your inspiration to do business won’t need muses. Reference architecture is exactly the approach that helps not only to see relationships, but also start using them effectively. We, along with our digital transformation engineers’ team, invite you to find your personal reference architecture for product design, based on creativity, meaningly giving you an opportunity to estimate your art.”

Serhii Polovnikov

Director of Engineering

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